понеділок, 18 січня 2021 р.

21-БО/22-ТД 18.01.21



Theme: Types of Art


·        To develop lexical skills; ·

·        To form reading skills for specific information, scanning; ·

·        To enlarge students’ intellect; ·

·        To get acquainted with world possession of art; ·

·        To cultivate aesthetic tastes.

Equipment: copies with tasks on the desks, blanks, computer, presentation, sayings and expressions on the blackboard.


1. Introduction.

2. Warm-up.

2.1Presentation of the topic.

3. Vocabulary Work.

4. Exercising.

5. Relaxation.

6. Pre-reading exercises.

 7. Reading.

8. After-reading exercises.

 9. Summary.Exam 


STAGE                                                          CONTENT

1. Introduction                     T. Glad to see you, dear students. Take your seats.                            

                                             Look at your desks. Today you do not need any books   

                                             or copy-books. Everything has been already done for    you. You need only pens.

2. Warm-up Method.

     Conversation                   Look at the blackboard – there are some      expressions about art that were said by famous people. They are divided into parts. Your task is to pool parts of sayings. Try to explain them: · Art is long life is short. · Art makes the world go round · Each great work of art has a fascinating story to tell about. · Art is not truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. · Art has no enemy except ignorance.



 2.1. Introduction of the topic

and motto Method.

Discussion                                 T. Today we start speaking on the topic ART. You know that art appeared long long ago and it follows people all their life and everywhere. What do you think, is it important to discuss this topic? S. It is important to speak about art to be art-literate and to refresh our knowledge in this area.

S. I think it is urgent topic because we learn how to analyse different phenomena in art.

 T. I agree with you completely. We speak about it because it has different modern phenomena and expressions. And to be well-educated you should have an idea about art generally and its elements particularly. The motto of tоday’s lesson is: “Beauty of the world belongs to all people”.

3. Vocabulary

Work Method

1. Brainstorm                                     T. From the previous form you know what art means, don’t you? (Art is the study or creation of beautiful things.)

T. Let’s refresh your memory and try to name the elements of art: Students one by one put the elements on the blackboard around the word “art”. They prove their ideas Method


2. Nontranslative method

of lexicalization                     The main aim of art is “to entertain”. Do you know what does it mean? Can you give the definition?

T. So, let’s look at the examples and try to choose the correct Example definition to each derivative of this word. Look at the blackboard.

entertain, v

a) to invite people to your home for a party

The play failed to entertain the audience.

b) to do something that amuses or

We're entertaining our interests people

neighbours this evening.

c) to take people to a restaurant for a meal


a) someone who does tricks

I like street entertainers.

b) someone who sings

He is a very popular person who entertains professionally,

television entertainer.


a) such things as films, television,

This law is applied to performances, etc. that amuse or

theatres, cinemas and interest people other places of entertainment.

b) a performance or show

c) an act of entertaining

It's not a serious film, but it's good entertainment.

Students one by one guess the meaning of the words and

give definitions.

Method 3. Multiple

Choice                                    T.And now let’s use these words on practice.

Read the passages (A-D) and guess what entertainment they


0 ballet 0 mime 0 musical 0 music hall

A  It is a form of entertainment for an audience, which may

include drama, dancing, music, mime, puppetry and so on.

BIt is the art of combining sounds into a unified whole, typically

in accordance with fixed patterns and for an aesthetic purpose.

C It is a modern form of art and entertainment which borrows

from the other arts, such as music, drama and literature, but is

dependent for its origin on technological development.

D. In ancient Greece it was a realistic comedy with speech and

exaggerated gestures. But in common usage it is applied to acting

in which gestures, movements and facial expressions replace

dialogue. It has developed as a form of theatre, particularly in


audience, cast, director, plot,

scene, script, sequel, soundtrack,

special effects, star, subtitles




Method 4. Interactive

play.                                       T. Every entertaining item has got its elements. They are very  important. No film or other entertainment cannot succed without

them. Let’s guess what they are. Look at the screen. I will read

the definitions and you are to answer what I’m talking about. I

can give you a tip. It is a table with necessary terms. It is in the

right corner of slides.

1cast all the people who act in a film

2 the most important actor or actress in a film

3 person who makes a film

4 music of a film

5story of a film

6 a part of a film happening in one place

7 people who watch a film in a cinema       

8 a film which continues the story of an earlier film

9 images, often created by a computer

10 words of the film

11 transcription (usually translation) of the dialogue of a film that appears at the bottom of the screen.The first definition is an example. Then – one by one.

Method 5. Multiple

choice (in groups of

opponents)        T. All these elements can be either positive or negative. The nextour exercise is to group up words into two columns according to

the impression. Let’s divide into two groups. The first group works with the positive side and the opponents work with negative ones. Then you exchange your ideas. Besides, you are to make up sentences with these words. Everyone should make up one sentence and write it down.

heartwarming, well-acted, lots of twists and turns, too long,a bit boring, very surprising, gripping, utterly believable,original, predictable

                                        Positive                            Negative 


4. Relaxation              T.And now I invite in the world of beauty. Put everything asideand try to relax.Students watch video.

4.Pre-reading exercises

Method 1. Discussion   T.Did you enjoy the video? It’s a magic world of “natural art”.Todaywe stop at one of art’s elements – “paintings”. (Students return to the scheme on the blackboard) Remember, if we’re speaking about any of these elements, we can synonymically call them “art”. Eg. Painting=art. And a painter is an artist. These words are synonyms.

Method 2. Translation  And now, if we have started to speak about words and synonyms,let’s remind your necessary vocabulary. Look at the screen and

remind the types of art.Students watch presentation and one by one name the types.

Method 3.Role-play   T. And now I want to see your tastes and preferences. Complete the sentences. And make up dialogues. Write them down.

1 My preference lies with the genre of portrait because ...

2 I personally like genre paintings. They are ...

3 I prefer landscape to other genres. Yousee ...

4 I care much for still lives ...

5 I prefer battle pieces ...

6 As for me, … appeals to me much.

5 in.Reading (for specific formation,scanning)

6.After-reading         T.Now, you are to read the text and do the tasks. First of all, you should divide into groups. Each group will do different tasks.

I – makes up an extended plan.

II – works on the description of the person.

III – works on the description of the details and background.

IV – translates the sentences into English.




Gainsborough's Portrait of Duchess de Beaufort is an outstanding work

of art. The artist depicts a graceful and attractive young woman. She has a pleasant oval face, straight eyebrows and black eyes, a straight nose and well-shaped delicate hands.You can see that she is an aristocrat.Her rather pale complexion is contrasted by the dark colour of the background (the dark background was traditional in Gainsborough's time).The artist enlivens the face by a little colour on her cheeks.Her grayish hair is combed very high and fastened with a comb and a blue ribbon, as was the fashion in those days. The dress is very low cut, also according to the fashion of the day.The portrait is painted in cold colours (black, blue, grey and white). At first sight you may think that it is a traditional ceremonial portrait, but if you look attentively, you will see thather parted lips, fleeting glance and graceful gesture of her hand help to create a true impression of the sitter's vitality and optimism. The woman in the picture is alive, and we have a feeling that she is looking at us.

T. Now, we’ll check up the task in the following way. The first group represents their point of the plan and each other group adds the necessary information to them. The fourth group represents the task the first.


Method 1. Conversation T. In such a way, we achieved a plan for describing any piece of painting, and we can pass our impression with the help of all studied words and expressions. Look at your copy-books. There are pictures to describe, and exercise to check up your skills.

Method 2. Answering questions  T. To understand how much information you remembered I ask you questions:

1 Does art appeal to the heart and mind of man, to his feelings and ideals? Does art serve life?

2 What feelings does art arouse?

to arouse [a’raoz] — збуджувати, викликати

3 What must young people do to understand and enjoy the arts? (To read books about the arts; to take an active part in amateur art activities; tostudy folk music; to listen to music; to learn songs,dances,handicrafts; take up — займатися to to visit art exhibitions,theaters, concerts, museums.)

4 Truthful art is always connected with life. What role does art play in your life? What kind of art appeals to you?

5 Are you a frequent theatregoer? What is your favourite theater (actor, actress)? Why? Do you prefer a comedy,a tragedy, a musical, or a drama?

6 Why do many people prefer cinema to theatre? And what about you? Give your reasons.

7 What role does music play in your life?   

8 What kind of music do you like to listen to?

9 Who is your favourite composer(singer,musician, pop group, musical instrument)?

10 Do you take up3music lessons? Where do you study music?

11Do you often go to music concerts?

12 Are you interested in painting?

13 How often do you visit picture galleries or fine arts museums?

14Who is your favourite painter? What is your favourite painting?

T. Do you have any questions to me? Well, your marks. You worked very hard today and I am very satisfied with you.The lesson is over, see you next time.


13-А-Ф 18.01.21


План-конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему

Ukrainian and British cuisine





Topic: Food

Theme:Ukrainian and British cuisine

Suggested level – B1


General:         to practise vocabulary;

                        To practise telling favourite recipes;

                        to foster interdisciplinary connections between Ukrainian and English           


to make students aware of cuisine traditions;

to implement the concept of national-patriotic education

Specific:to introduce students to strategies of making a project

To practise students in doing exams

                        to develop speaking,reading and listening skills

                        to develop speech competence

                        to develop skills of working on one’s own and in a group              

to develop creative competence

Materials:      textbook “Welcome to English Study”, Karp’uk O.D., 10 form

                        students’ recipes with illustrations

                        proverbs (handouts)


computer presentation

Lesson objectives:

to check the students’ level of mastery in vocabulary on the topic ‘Food’ ;                                                                           their ability to understand information they listen; read thematic texts to practise their exam tasks; express their own views and assumptions; summarize on the base of reading and listening comprehension through role play and by using computer support.

Motto:So many countries so many customs


Type of the lesson: the final lesson.

Schematic plan of the lesson:

I. Introduction 6 min

1.      Greeting, aiming                 3 min.

2.      Warm up                             3 min

II. The main part of the lesson     35 min.

III. Results of the lesson.Feedback.

The motivation of assessments.2 min.

IV. Homework                               1 min.

V. The end of the lesson             1 min.




I. INTRODUCTION( 3 minutes)

1) Greeting and aiming

T: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you!  We’ve got a lot of guests today at our  lesson – greet our guests, please. Right now you are going to watch two flash videos and after that you’ll tell me what is the topic of our today’s lesson

Students are shown two videos. One video is taken from the well-known film ‘Sherlok Holmes and Dr. Watson’s Adventures’ ( ‘Cereal, Sir’) and the other one – from the musical “Evenings in the village near Dikanka” (the episode where a rich Ukrainian dinner table is shown).

S1: I think, we’ll talk about Ukrainian and British cuisine traditions.

T: You’ve hit exactly the bull's eye– and you can see the topic of our today’s lesson on the screen.

T: We are at the end at the studying the topic food – we’ve already been studying it for three weeks - so tell me please, are there any differences between Ukrainian and British cuisine traditions?

possible answers:

S1: Ukrainian people are more hospitable

S2: Ukrainian cuisine is much richer than British, and it is considered to be one of the richest cuisines in the world

S3: Modern British cuisine is a mix of traditional cuisine which has been influenced by a lot of world cuisine because of a great amount of immigrants who have moved to the country and they brought their own food traditions with them

S4: British cuisine is characterized by what they call ‘plain food’ which means that the British prefer eating simple dishes – chops, beef steaks and so on

S5: Ukrainian main dishes mainly consist of meat (often pork) while British ones contain a lot of fish. It can be easily explained by the fact that Ukraine is situated on a continent and has developed agriculture while Britain is an island surrounded by the sea.

2). Reporting the objectives of the lesson

T:So, dear students, let me introduce the topic of our today’s lesson and its objectives. As S1 has already said, the topic of the lesson is “Ukrainian and British cuisine”. And today we’ll;

·         revise your vocabulary on the topic;

·         practise telling your favourite recipes from traditional British and Ukrainian cuisine;

·         watch videos and talk about traditional Ukrainian and British restaurants;

·         practise saying English proverbs about food  and matching them to their Ukrainian equivalents;

·         practise in performing exam tasks;

·         create the conception of your own national restaurant.

So you’ll develop speaking skills, practice reading for specific information, practice and develop listening skills.

T: And the motto of our todays lesson is:‘So many countries, so many customs’


2) Warm up (3 minutes)

T:. And now let’s check how you know the dishes of national cuisines. For performing this stage of the lesson we have a special guest today – the chef of one of the most popular Kharkov restaurants Mr. Nicolas Chook. He will read the descriptions of the dish for you and you guess. If your guesses are correct, you’ll see the dish on the screen.

Ukrainian dishes:

Borsch – a savory red-coloured soup which ingredients are beetroot, minced beet, carrots, potatoes and other vegetables. It always garnished with sour cream. It’s eaten with pampushky with garlic.

Varenyky – dumplings filled with potatoes cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms, etc.…

Holubtsi -   cabbage rolls stuffed with rice, vegetables and minced meat and stewed slowly in the oven.

Deruny– Pancakes made of grated potato and flour and fried; served with sour cream

Salo– pork fat which is rubbed with spices. It is usually served in slices and eaten with black bread and garlic. No mention about Ukrainian food is possible without that dish.

British dishes:

Haggis – this dish has an ancient Scottish origin. It is made of liver and lungs of a ship which is mixed, spiced and placed inside the ship stomach.

Full English breakfast– this meal is a traditional substantial morning meal; it consists of fried eggs, fried tomatoes, bacon and fried bread.

Fish and chips – this dish is traditionally cooked from sea fish, often cod or salmon and deeply fried potatoes.

Christmas pudding – this is a traditional Christmas cake made of flour, eggs, raisins, currant, candied peel, chopped almonds and walnuts and a good measure of brandy. 

Tea – it’s a hot traditional drink which English people adore. When they have it at 5 p.m. they call it ‘high’.

T: Thank you very much, Mr. Chook. You can take off you apron and take your seat with your group.



1) Checking homework. Students’presentations. (8 min)

T:  Well, today we have some presentations prepared by your classmates. You have noticed that you are divided into groups for your further work. And, as I asked you, you had to prepare presentations about special regional dishes of our country and Britain. Let’s watch them and then analyze.

(Students show their presentations on the topic "National cuisine" and leave the pictures of them on the board). Teacher gives them marks for the presentations.

2) Reading (7 min)

T: So you see the students have presented their restaurants with different cuisines.
And I hope you all liked them. Personally I am amazed by the variety of traditional regional dishes of both Great Britain and Ukraine. But tell me, where we can find all of them?

Possible answers

S1: In people’s kitchens/homes

S2: In restaurants and cafes.

T: That’s right, and now we’ll get to know about some of the oldest and most famous London restaurants. And besides, we’ll practise in performing exams tasks.

·       Pre-reading activity. The students get hand-out material 1 where they can see the texts about five London restaurants with their description and explains the exam task:

T:  read the texts in groups and match choices (A-H) to (1-5). Find and underline corresponding key words in the texts to prove you are right. There are three extra choices. (Appendix 1)

·       While-reading: students work in groups and do the tasks.

·       Post-reading: Students check their answers.

3) Watching – students’ project (3 min)

T: We got some information about the best London restaurants and what about ours? What restaurants in Kharkov serve dishes of traditional Ukrainian cuisine?

S1: ‘Sloboda’

S2: ‘Getman’

S3: ‘ChervonaKalyna’

S4: ‘PuzataKhata’

T: Well, I know you have prepared the project about one of our Ukrainian restaurants. Let’s watch it.  Dear guests, please, do not judge our attempt very strictly. (Video with the interview about the PuzataKhata restaurants is being shown. Students filmed it themselves)

 Students watch the video they filmed about the Puzatakhata restaurants.

4) Group work with proverbs (5 min)

Working with proverbs. The group is divided into two parts – ‘British’ and ‘Ukrainians’. Each group gets its own task. (Appendix 2) ‘British’ get English proverbs about food which have been cut in halves. Their task is to match the halves. When a student does it, he cries out loudly a word combination (adjective+food noun) instead of ‘Bingo!’ e.g. ‘Spicy pork! ‘or ‘Fresh pineapple!’ and goes to the board holding the proverb in hands. The members of “Ukrainians’ team look for Ukrainian equivalents of the proverbs and those who do it cry out the password too and join their groupmates with the corresponding proverb at the board. Then they read the proverbs aloud in pairs. Each pair who has answered sit at the same desk, the second one-to the other desk. By this they make mixed Ukrainian-British groups for the next task .


5) Project work (12 min)

T: You have worked well and now you have the last task. But I am not going to give it to you – I know a person who can do it. So, be attentive and watch the video.

Students watch the video with the task for the project work. It is filmed by the senior students of our school T: Thus you have the task to create the concept of the traditional Ukrainian-British restaurant. You have to come up with the idea of the name of the restaurant, its menu and the center dish with its short description. And the team, whose ideas will be the best, gets the highest marks and the special prize from Miss Gardner.

The students work out and present the name of the restaurant, the menu and the center dish.(Appendix 3).




1. Summing up (1 min)

T.: Whathavewelearnt duringthelesson?

S1.: we have read the text and practised in performing exam tasks;

S2.: we have presented national dishes from traditional British and Ukrainian cuisine;

S3 : we have watched videos and talked about traditional Ukrainian and British restaurants;

S4: we have practised saying English proverbs about food and matching them to their Ukrainian equivalents;

What new facts about press have you learntduring the lesson?(you can use your table)


2.Assesement(1 min)

Teachergives marks for the lesson and motivates theassessments

Students estimate the lesson by putting the small sheets of paper into the necessary column of the table on the board

IV.Homework:To think of and make up the menu for the festive New Year’s table for the British family who arrives in Ukraine to celebrate New Year in the best traditions of Ukrainian cuisine.


V: The end of the lesson(1 min)

T: My dear students, thank you for the hard work you’ve done at the lesson and to prepare it. I think your restaurants will have many happy customers and there won’t be any complains. Your business will blossom and you will have a success in your business! The lesson is over, say good-bye to our guests and don’t forget about your prize!


Appendix 1


Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.


Insta nt free te reservation

1. Located in the heart of lively, fashionable Covent Garden, close to the Royal Opera House and numerous theatres, Rules is London’s oldest restaurant. Rules has an excellent reputation for fine British food, delightful décor and impeccable service.

Specialising in seasonal and game cooking, Rules has gained a vast knowledge of game through ownership of the shooting estate, Lartington Hall Park in County Durham.


ant free tabes ervation

2. Considered one of London’s most prestigious Afternoon Tea Lounges, the beautiful Art Deco setting takes you back in time to an era of style and elegance in the heart of London Mayfair.

Awarded with The Tea Guild’s Award of Excellence 2013, the, Palm Court offers a large selection of teas, and serves cakes and scones prepared by award-winning pastry chef Sarah Hartnett and her team. The Palm Court has become the gathering place for guests and locals alike and is today one of the greatest places to enjoy afternoon tea in Mayfair.

eserve table

3. First established in 1931, The Grillat The Dorchester quickly gained a reputation as the place to be for the finest grill food in London. Delicious dishes range from grill favourites alongside the restaurant's signature lobster chowder and an extensive sweet soufflé menu – the first of its kind in London.

Lively and welcoming, the re-imagined restaurant fuses The Dorchester's iconic elegance with a contemporary tone and creative details. Interior architect Bruno Moinard was commissioned by The Dorchester to create a vibrant and timeless setting.

eserve table

4. Steak & Lobster London is located on Bloomsbury Street in one of London's most popular areas. Moments from the British Museum, on the doorstep of Covent Garden, around the corner from Tottenham Court Road station and very near Oxford Street, our restaurant offers some of the best steaks in London.

It is perfectly located for people looking for a pre-theatre dinner or a meal with friends before a night out in one of the many great Soho bars. Steak & Lobster restaurant is an easy choice.

eserve table

e table reser on

5. The National Portrait Gallery's rooftop restaurant The Portrait boasts spectacular views over London, and has established itself as one of the capital's most sought after dining areas, set 92 feet above ground level on the Gallery's third floor. Diners can enjoy an unparalleled vista of Nelson in Trafalgar Square and across Whitehall to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye.

It is a smart, stylish place to enjoy dishes based on superb seasonal ingredients sourced from the country’s most esteemed suppliers. Open daily for lunch and three evenings a week – Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Reservations are recommended at peak times.

Which of the restaurants:

A  needs to be booked beforehand

B  got a prize for perfect work

C is a nice place to play board games

D  offers dishes prepared from birds’ meat

E  offers customers to visit a portrait exhibition

F  specialises in barbecue dishes

G  offers free drinks for lunch

H  can be visited before the play

Appendix 2


Match the proverbs:

  1. Every cook praises …
  2. Dry bread at home is better ….
  3. Too many cooks …
  4. Out of the frying pan ….
  5. To lengthen your life…
  6. His bread ….
  7. There is no use crying …
  8. Half a loaf is …

a)      over the spilt milk

b)      into the fire

c)      his own broth

d)      than roast meat abroad

e)      is buttered on both sides

f)       better than none

g)      spoil the broth (soup)

h)      lessen your meals


Appendix 3




Advertising form


The type of the restaurant: _____________________________________________

The name: _________________________________________________________

Hours: ____________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

Our restaurants will offer you: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Vegetarian dishes: ___________________________________________________

Other characteristics: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



The menu of a day

Starters:                                                              Desserts:

________________________                                 ________________________

________________________                                 ________________________

________________________                                 ________________________

________________________                                 ________________________


Main courses:                                                            Drinks:

 ________________________                                 ________________________

________________________                                  ________________________

________________________                                  ________________________

________________________                                  ________________________


Salads and vegetables:



